
Community Feedback Session

New Earth Academy provides FREE specialist training and opportunities in the performing arts for East and South East Asians* (ESEA) aged 18+ living in the UK. Initially a week-long acting summer school based in London, the Academy has grown over the past 14 years to cover a range of disciplines and locations. Now we need YOU to help shape the future of the academy as we expand our reach over Yorkshire and the Midlands.

The Community Feedback Session is an opportunity for you to meet members of the New Earth Team and be part of a small focus group where you’ll share your creative experiences, aspirations and any challenges you’ve faced when taking part in theatre and/or performing arts activities. 

We will have a series of questions to which you will be invited to respond and share your thoughts. All data and findings from the focus group will be anonymised.

The session will last for 2 hours and will be held in person at York Theatre Royal on Tuesday 5th March between 6.30pm and 8.30pm and Birmingham Hippodrome on Friday 8th March between 6.30pm and 8.30pm. This role is voluntary and if selected for the focus group you will receive a £15 supermarket voucher as a thank you for your time.

For this focus group, we are looking for East and Southeast Asian community members who:

  • Are currently based in Yorkshire/the Midlands
  • Have a strong interest in theatre and/or performing arts
  • Are interested in creative opportunities in Yorkshire/the Midlands

We will select a small group of participants with a diverse range of experiences, from different training backgrounds and at different stages of their careers.

The expression of interest is currently closed for our community listening sessions. Please keep an eye on our social media and website for future session updates.

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Registered charity No. 1047991
Registered company No. 3045132