
New Earth Theatre Makers Academy is a 1-week course for B/ESEAs based in Salford, Greater Manchester/North West who are interested in theatre making and devising skills. No previous experience is needed. The Academy cohort will work with Artistic Director of New Earth Theatre Ailin Conant to explore creative ideas, develop theatre making skills and form a supportive peer network. The Academy cohort will also have access to free rehearsal space to try new ideas and rehearse their own work. The 1-week Theatre Makers Academy programme will end in an internal sharing with New Earth team and academy partners for peer feedback and reflection.

Course Dates: Monday 5 August - Friday 9 August 2024
Course Leader: Ailin Conant
Course Location: The Lowry

New Earth Theatre Makers Academy – Salford & Greater Manchester is delivered by New Earth Theatre in partnership with: The Lowry, Factory International and HOME.

Applications now closed. New Earth Academy applications will re-open in spring 2025.

I’m an actor. Is the Theatre Makers Academy course suitable for me?
Yes - as long as you have an interest in making your own original work and collaborating with other creatives.

I’m not an actor/performer. Is the Theatre Makers Academy course suitable for me?
Yes - you do not need to be an actor to join the Theatre Makers Academy. You could be an actor, director, producer, dancer, writer, musician, circus performer, poet or spoken word artist or combination of any/all the above. What you DO need is an interest in making work for live performance and a desire to collaborate with others.

How much do I need to pay to attend New Earth Academy?
NOTHING - it’s completely free. We aim to keep all our New Earth Academy and New Earth Academy Plus free at the point of access to reduce financial barriers for participants.

We also offer travel bursary places for participants in need of financial support. If you'd like to apply for the travel bursary, please tell us why in your application  and the amount you'd like to apply for.

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New Earth Theatre © 2024
Registered charity No. 1047991
Registered company No. 3045132